I toyed around with some post processing and came up with this. I don't know exactly what to call it. It took quite a bit of time to do so I won't be doing it too often.
No soccer balls or golf clubs....just a lot of pink mesh stuff that I don't know how to spell. The girls had fun in their tutus that Jen made however. This is the first time trying out the pink backdrop and I am pleased with how it photographed. I know that we will get a lot of use out of the pink! I set up everything for theis session in under 5 minutes, so the practice is paying off. I am still not 100% satisfied with the quality...but I don't know if I ever will be.
It seems that most of our family pictures are made right in our front yard. The only tricky part is keeping all of the cars out of the shots. This just goes to show you what you can accomplish when time is short and you crop in tight....real tight.
The natural light coming into the bathroom makes for some great shots. These are a couple of my favorites. I really like how the one out of focus came out.
For those that like photography, you will understand these photos. I am always toying around with different depths of field and exposures to try and capture pleasing images.
These are some expamples from our last two studio shoots. I am still working out the details with the lighting, but every shoot seems to be better than the previous one. Working with the kids is the most challenging part. I have an extra large backdrop so that they can run around and play, making it easier to capture candid shots since specific poses are a rarity.